Feng Shui Color

feng shui color
The key to selecting the best feng shui colors for your house should be to first understand two crucial principles of feng shui. The five elements that are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water act as a guide for creating balance in one's surroundings. Next we turn to the Bagua to concentrate on different areas of somebody's life. This handy tool locates different areas in a given room or home that corresponds to each area of that person's life. Choosing the right colors comes down to how well these two principles are employed in combination.

Chinese astrologers believe that every year is represented by one of the five elements. Each element is also represented by specific colors. The colors that you need to utilize more of within your surroundings can be found by matching your year of birth to its corresponding element. In addition there are two forces that influence how the five elements work together to achieve balance. The first force is named the productive cycle and it shows how each element is made by or produce another. The other one is called the destructive cycle and it shows how each element destroys or is destroyed by another.

Understanding these two cycles is essential, because when you are able to identify the elements which will either benefit or harm you, you will also have the ability to figure out their associated colors. Incorporate more of the colors representing the element that created your element and use less of the colors representing the element that destroys your element. Take a look at the five elements and the colors that represent each one.

Wood: Green, Brown

Fire: Red, Bright Strong Yellows, Orange, Pink, Purple

Earth: Light Yellow, Light Brown, Light Sandy Tan

Metal: White, Gray, Silver

Water: Blue, Black

Feng shui colors can also be found within the eight sections of the Bagua. This tool is utilized by either standing at the entrance of a single room or the doorway of the home. Simply place the Bagua with the red section pointed away from you and then the black section directly towards you. This enables you to map out either the whole room or the complete home that corresponds to the different areas of your life. Which area of your life needs improving? Find that area in the room you happen to be in and use more of the color that represents the area of your life that must change. The five elements also influence how the Bagua is used, it'll further determine the types of objects which will either benefit or harm each individual area. Different areas of your life might be improved considerably by placing the right objects in the proper places.

Which feng shui color tips should you choose for your feng shui home? Learn how to use the feng shui bagua map to incorporate colors into a room to attract good energy.

Get a FREE Personalized Color Report, "How to Use Colors in Feng Shui" at http://www.fengshuiroomdesign.com