Feng Shui Interior Design

feng shui interior design
 Feng shui interior design describes using design elements to enhance the 'qi' or energy of a home. Each room of a home serves a unique purpose and the interior design of the individual rooms will perform that purpose with help of feng shui. In this respect, different principles and techniques have to be applied to the different rooms. One size doesn't fit all in this case. Make the most out of every individual room by using totally unique cures and remedies.

The purpose of a bedroom is usually to be the area inside the house that promotes rest, relaxation and romance. It's meant for being an area that brings out calmness and tranquility. In order to do this, colors play a necessary role. Loud colors are the very last thing we wish to use, because they really are too much of a distraction and promotes restlessness. Furniture placement is also a key factor. The bed should be the main feature of a room and must be displayed in a commanding position, that is diagonal from your door. There are lots of other techniques you should utilize to optimize the bedroom, most of which are related to love. The love corner is another central part of a bedroom, make good use of this area to attract love or maintain good relationships

The aim for the living room is to be the room within the house for get togethers. It is usually meant for family gatherings and entertaining guests. Because of this, the living room needs to be a place that promotes conversation and should be optimized for family bonding. In order to do this, the main focus is on how the seating of this room is arranged. Sofas and chairs are supposed to be placed in a semi circular shape to achieve this purpose. Family photographs also needs to be a feature of this room. Other great additions include artwork and live plants.

The aim of a kitchen is to feed and nourish your entire family. It really is regarded as one of the most important rooms of a house, since it symbolizes growth and prosperity for all the members of the family. The stove is the primary focus of a kitchen and its burners actually represent wealth. A stove situated within an island is the ideal position, because the cook should be able to have a solid view of the entire kitchen. It is important that one can see who comes through the door. If the stove is built against a wall, a good feng shui remedy is usually to add mirrors behind the stove so anything in back remains visible.

The aim of a home office is to be the part of a home that work is done, it needs to be optimized in a way that promotes productivity and helps guarantee success. In this instance the desk would be the primary piece of furniture in the room and has to be in a commanding position with a clear view of the door. Using a map bagua, locate the wealth and career corners for further feng shui design. The home office is the perfect room to use live plants such as the money tree or lucky bamboo, both of which are used to attract wealth.

As you are able to see, there are many different feng shui interior design techniques for every room of the home. Creating the correct balance between each one of these rooms is what makes everything come together. Different areas of your life can be harmonized as a result of creating this great balance within your home. With the bedroom working towards love, the living room promoting your relationships, the kitchen helping to achieve wealth and the home office building success for your business, all these different areas of your life begins to fall in place.

Using feng shui interior design tactics is as simple as matching a personal feng shui element to a feng shui color and rearranging furniture using the basic principles.

Get a FREE Personalized Color Report, "How to Use Colors in Feng Shui" at http://www.fengshuiroomdesign.com